Where do B cells and T cells reside in the lymph nodes and spleen?

Ever wondered where do these tiny little cells live in your body?
They live in organs called lymph nodes and spleen!

T cells and B cells in lymph node and spleen
Since my readers are all science-y, I'll be more specific.
B cells reside in the cortex of the follicles in lymph nodes and spleen and T cells in the paracortex of the lymph node follicles and the periarterial lymphatic sheath of the spleen.

How do I remember this? @_@

The alphabet close to B is C. That makes it easy to remember that B cells reside in the Cortex of the follicles in lymph nodes and spleen.

Similarly, the alphabet close to T is P, making it easy to remember that T cells reside in the Paracortex of the lymph node follicles and the Periarterial lymphatic sheath of the spleen.

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